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Meet Your Community Liaisons

Justine Starke, Manager, SGI Service Delivery

Justine is a Registered Professional Planner and has worked with the communities of the Southern Gulf Islands and Salt Spring Island since 2007.  Before coming to work for the Capital Reginal District, she was an Island Planner with Islands Trust. Justine currently works out of the downtown headquarters of the CRD in Victoria and spends as much time as possible with her family on Salt Spring Island.


CRD office, 625 Fisgard St., Victoria | Tel: 250.360.3275  |  e: 

Emma Davis, Galiano Island

Emma holds an MA in Arts Management and has a background in stage managing for theatre. She has lived on Galiano Island for ten years, where she works for the Galiano Community Food Program, coordinating projects such as the Gleaning Project, the Garlic Co-op and the Stock Up Market. She sits on the board of Galiano's Activity Centre and helped start Galiano's first licensed daycare. Emma keeps sheep, grows a lot of kale and can been seen with her boys braving the hilly SGI roads by bike. You may have met her on a ferry asking you to vote for Galiano Island in the playground competition!


Office Hours: 1:00-3:00, Wed. | Islands Trust office, 23 Madrona Rd. | e: 

Kat Ferneyhough, Mayne Island

Kat Ferneyhough has a bachelor of design and a long history in event management and intersectional engagement.  She has lived on Mayne Island for 8 years, has been part of the community since 2000, and has a broad range of experience working and volunteering as a board member for the SGI Arts Council, the MI Chamber of Commerce and running large scale fundraising events for the MI Conservancy Society. Kat is passionate about the arts and co-owns and operates EnVision gallery in the heart of Mayne.


Office Hours: 11:00-4:00, Tue. | Remax office, 424 Fernhill Rd. | e:

Melody Pender, Pender Island

Melody has held the position of Executive Assistant to SGI Director Dave Howe since February 2012. Melody arrived on Pender Island in 2006 to take on the expansive role of Human Resource Manager at the Poets Cove Resort. Since that time, she has been a key figure in the development of many Island initiatives and has worked in a variety of positions. A keen observer of the needs of the Southern Gulf Islands, Melody has connected with many people to establish intermediary actors and partnerships to the benefit of organizations and the government. As a community leader embedded in the social networks, shared vision and decision making of the Southern Gulf Islands, Melody became a founding member of the SGI Community Resource Centre. With a background in Finance and Human Resources, Melody is the current Manager of the SGICRC, overseeing a growing staff and the implementation of numerous programs to help build community services on all the SGIs. 


Tel: 250-629-3475 | e:

Katie Dentry, Saturna Island

Katie's family has lived on Saturna Island for 5 generations. She holds a bachelor's degree in English literature from the University of British Columbia, and took environmental studies at the University of Victoria. Katie's passion is community development, and she endeavors through her work to increase the resiliency of island communities. Whether she's working on infrastructure projects, assisting organizations to deliver services, or simply connecting people to resources, Katie finds fulfilment supporting her fellow community members. Katie previously worked in tourism, transportation, and as a program and event coordinator. You are likely to find Katie working in her family food forest, or taking wildlife photographs.


Office Hours: 11:00-2:00 Thurs | Unit #6, 100 East Point Road | e:


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