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Island Update » Saturna

The Saturna Island Fire Protection Society has been approved for a Community Works Fund (CWF) grant in the amount of $20,000 to install solar panels on the roof of Emergency Services Building #1. The installation, scheduled for Spring 2020, is expected to reduce ESB1’s hydro consumption by ~40%.

The Saturna Recreation and Cultural Society has also been approved for a $20,000 CWF grant to install solar panels on the roof of the Saturna Recreation and Cultural Centre (which doubles as Saturna’s Emergency Reception Centre).


The Community Club received a $4,954.00 Grant-in-Aid from the CRD to subsidize a take-home meal program. These nutritious meals cost $10; to qualify you must meet one of the following criteria: 1) are a senior 2) are post-surgery, hospital or medical procedure 3) have an illness, injury, or chronic physical/mental health problem. The project has been well received by the community, and approximately 27 people are subscribed to the mailing list. The take-home meal program also benefits the community by providing one part-time job for a Saturna resident.


Through the CRD, FireSmart Saturna has received a $25,000 portion of a Community Resiliency Investment Program grant from the Union of BC Municipalities. The FireSmart Committee is using this grant to undertake several community projects including a FireSmart Landscaping Demonstration at Emergency Services Building #1 and the Saturna Recreation and Cultural Centre. The FireSmart Landscaping Demonstration will educate residents on what measures they can take around their homes and properties to reduce wildfire risk, and will also work to help protect our Emergency Service buildings in the event of a wildfire.

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