Island Update » Pender

ṮEṮÁĆES Climate Action Project
The Southern Gulf Islands are disproportionately impacted by the climate emergency declared by the Capital Regional District and the Islands Trust. They are particularly vulnerable to risk of wild fire, drought affecting food production, seasonal water shortage and shoreline erosion caused by sea level rise and increased coastal storm surges.
The ṮEṮÁĆES (pronounced “tlu-tla-chus” — The u as in fun, a as in ape) Climate Action Project will develop and deliver 3 five-day (30 hour) intensive educational programs that combine current climate science with Traditional Knowledge of the W̱SÁNEĆ people to inform and support decision-making on land use and climate action at both the local and regional levels.
Southern Gulf Islands Community Resource Centre

The Southern Gulf Islands Community Resource Centre (SGICRC) is a not-for-profit, multi-service Island community organization. It offers a broad range of educational, social, cultural, Edu-tourism and capacity-building programs to local area residents across the four Southern Gulf Islands of Pender, Saturna, Mayne and Galiano.
The Centre has grown significantly in its short lifespan and is playing a vital role in the lives of community members of all ages. It currently offers programs and services for youth, adults, and seniors including Volunteer Programs, a Community Justice Program, Computer Courses for Seniors, Career Development Services, Southern Gulf Islands event calendars, and activity space rentals. Having initiated several partnerships with a variety of community organizations, the Centre continues to build services for and with the community including senior’s technology courses, job boards and social service assistance.
The Pender Island Centre is the current head office; an accessible, storefront facility with computers for public use, information resources and a program and activity space. There are an additional three SGICRC Offices on each of the three other Southern Gulf Islands. Funded by several sources including the Capital Regional District, Beacon Community Services and the Rural Development Fund, the organization is endeavouring to meet its vision and mission by providing Southern Gulf Island residents with social service resources, referrals, information, connections and support.