CRD Endorses Housing Strategy for the Southern Gulf Islands
Approaching housing solutions in the Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area (SGI EA) is as unique as the islands themselves, and is the central theme to a new report prepared in consultation with Island residents and endorsed by the Capital Regional District (CRD).
The Southern Gulf Islands Housing Strategy (2022) states, like many communities in the CRD, housing affordability is the result of complex factors. However in the SGI EA, these factors are compounded by the unique characteristics of the islands as rural, remote, environmentally sensitive, and growth constrained.
The basis of the recommendations in the Housing Strategy reflect the information learned through the SGI Housing Needs Assessment (2018), SGI Housing Feasibility Analysis (Wiser, 2022) and the updated SGI Housing Market Analysis (Urban Matters, 2022), combined with years of community input and engagement accumulated through land use planning processes.
The Housing Strategy includes an objective to advance a whole government approach utilizing multiple stakeholders working together.
Identified as a shared responsibility, partnerships should include the non-profit sector and residents working together with the federal, provincial, and local governments to advance the goals of the Housing Strategy, with seven objectives and 22 actions identified.
More information about the SGI Housing Strategy can be found here.
