CRD Seeks Public Input on SGI Transportation Service Options
The Capital Regional District is conducting a new round of community engagement on options for service establishment that would enable a transportation function for the Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area (SGI EA).
Results from the first round of public engagement indicated a desire by residents of Galiano, Mayne, Saturna and the Pender Islands for integrated transportation improvements that would support the communities in providing public transit, safe walking and cycling networks, and some level of passenger ferry improvements to complement other travel. The CRD is now seeking feedback on proposed transportation service options and associated costs.

The next phase of public engagement presents a range of transportation solutions and seeks to understand the level of support for funding the various options. Feedback received will help guide the decision making of the CRD Board in terms of whether to pursue service establishment for a transportation function in the SGI EA.
Residents and visitors are encouraged to review the table of service options, fill out a survey, and register for one of four online Q and A sessions for more information:
Monday, January 17, 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Tuesday, January 18, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Thursday, January 27, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Friday, January 28, 11:00am – 12:30pm
The service options and survey can be found at