SGI Active Transportation Plan
In 2021/2022 the Capital Regional District conducted community engagement on a proposed transportation service for the Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area. In summer 2022, the CRD Board will be presented with the outcomes of this process and will consider whether to pursue a referendum and establishment of a transportation service in the SGI EA.
In tandem with this project, the Capital Regional District also developed a Southern Gulf Islands Active Transportation Plan that builds on existing mapping work completed for Galiano, Mayne, Saturna and the Pender Islands, including the CRD Regional Parks' proposed spine trails, trails managed by the SGI Parks and Recreation Commissions, as well as trails managed by local trail societies.
This Active Transportation Plan is intended as a resource for groups developing active transportation in the islands. If the CRD establishes an SGI Transportation Service, the future SGI Transportation Commission can consider a strategic plan for implementation, and start exploring how to fund it with infrastructure grants from other levels of government. The maps are living documents, and the future SGI Transportation Commission will have the opportunity to update them as needed.
